Dancing Down The Light

Dancing Down The Light pre-launch event happening soon.

Dancing Down The Light is now accepting sponsorships, and forming new partnerships with musicians and Artisans of Light of all disciplines, –inspired by Dancing Down The Light’s message of Cooperation, Tolerance, Prior-Unity and Universal Peace.

sign up for more details or email:  Jacquelina

           Everybody All-At-Once!

1-sm-dancing-down-the-light--“Live A Life Of Celebration.

True life, ego-transcending life, is a celebration, a joyous occasion of meeting with others in the universal circumstance of prior unity and in the joy of Communion with the Indivisible Divine Reality.” ~ Adi Da

“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.  As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” – Mahatma Gandhi


A Prior-Unity, Everybody-All-At-Once– Music, Dance, and Yoga Ceremony Celebrating Universal Peace.

For Dancing Down The light Events, Workshops and Yoga classes, connect with us!


Music and Sacred Culture

Sacred Music Serves One’s Devotional Life and Expression…                    

This is its principle and right use. 

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“Music is a cultural device to sensitize people to the physical and emotional dimensions of their existence, so as to realize a feeling of balance and well-being.

…Music is a way of tuning into the elemental harmony of the natural world, and the process of music has its own laws, which are the subject of study in a sacred culture. Fundamentally, the sacred process of composing and making music and the experience of listening to music should take place in the context of a sacred culture.

 …Neither music nor any other art has anything to do directly with Divine Self-Realization, but, properly used, the arts serve the sacred culture that is devoted to Divine Self-Realization.

The highest and most proper use of the arts is to serve the sacred culture of those who are devoted to Divine Self-Realization.” ~Adi Da Samraj


Find out more about Adi Da Samraj

Transcendental Realism–The Art of Adi Da Samraj

Videos of Adi Da Samraj

Sacred Camel Garden Ceremony


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Breath and Emotion

Right Participation In The Condition of Light.


“The same life-force pervades both the physical body and its environment. The physical body does not “contain,” or grasp and hold, the life-force, but simply communes or communicates with the all-pervading life-force, or manifest light, and intensifies the sense and effect of the life-force through feeling, or psycho-physical emotion. The center, root, and living core of the process is the life-force or universal energy, apparently cycled through the phases of the breath, but constantly and priorly communicated in, as, and through us via the process of feeling.

“The feeling cycle of the breath is thus the center of life and all our relations. The conscious feeling of the bodily and relational cycle of breath and life, under conditions of action and repose, is central to our well-being, our good relations, and to the whole affair of conscious exercise. Therefore, it is essential to realize the critical factors and events in the feeling cycle of breathing.” 


“Breath and emotion are identical.  

We feel and breathe simultaneously, as a single event.

Unobstructed feeling, or love, is senior to the physiological action of the breath, but simultaneous with it.

Love is creative or causative relative to breath and life.

It is the Law of Sacrifice or Love that is hidden in every breath.

The feeling cycle of the breath is the center of life and all our relations”.     

~Adi Da Samraj  “Conscious Exercise and the Transcendental Sun”


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