Pneuma Yoga

A Prayer Rug And Corn Goddess production~ "We are multi-talented, entrepreneurial 'cultural creatives', passionate about serving True Happiness through our music, the healing arts, and effective relationship building. We welcome creative collaborations with fellow artisans, communities, events and fair-trade businesses that are life - positive and are committed to restoring health, sustainability and prosperity for all beings everywhere. "♥♥♥ Music By Heart ~ Yoga By Heart ♥♥♥"

Published: 1 articles

Breath and Emotion

Right Participation In The Condition of Light.


“The same life-force pervades both the physical body and its environment. The physical body does not “contain,” or grasp and hold, the life-force, but simply communes or communicates with the all-pervading life-force, or manifest light, and intensifies the sense and effect of the life-force through feeling, or psycho-physical emotion. The center, root, and living core of the process is the life-force or universal energy, apparently cycled through the phases of the breath, but constantly and priorly communicated in, as, and through us via the process of feeling.

“The feeling cycle of the breath is thus the center of life and all our relations. The conscious feeling of the bodily and relational cycle of breath and life, under conditions of action and repose, is central to our well-being, our good relations, and to the whole affair of conscious exercise. Therefore, it is essential to realize the critical factors and events in the feeling cycle of breathing.” 


“Breath and emotion are identical.  

We feel and breathe simultaneously, as a single event.

Unobstructed feeling, or love, is senior to the physiological action of the breath, but simultaneous with it.

Love is creative or causative relative to breath and life.

It is the Law of Sacrifice or Love that is hidden in every breath.

The feeling cycle of the breath is the center of life and all our relations”.     

~Adi Da Samraj  “Conscious Exercise and the Transcendental Sun”


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