Music and Sacred Culture

Sacred Music Serves One’s Devotional Life and Expression…                    

This is its principle and right use. 

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“Music is a cultural device to sensitize people to the physical and emotional dimensions of their existence, so as to realize a feeling of balance and well-being.

…Music is a way of tuning into the elemental harmony of the natural world, and the process of music has its own laws, which are the subject of study in a sacred culture. Fundamentally, the sacred process of composing and making music and the experience of listening to music should take place in the context of a sacred culture.

 …Neither music nor any other art has anything to do directly with Divine Self-Realization, but, properly used, the arts serve the sacred culture that is devoted to Divine Self-Realization.

The highest and most proper use of the arts is to serve the sacred culture of those who are devoted to Divine Self-Realization.” ~Adi Da Samraj


Find out more about Adi Da Samraj

Transcendental Realism–The Art of Adi Da Samraj

Videos of Adi Da Samraj

Sacred Camel Garden Ceremony


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